Jackson Arnold
April 20, 1992 - May 19, 2021
A note from Dave Swiatek
Throughout our lives, we meet literally hundreds of people from many different places; and all walks of life. Our spouses, children, family members, co-workers, neighbors, club members and dozens of strangers all become part of our experience here on earth. For the most part; we chose who we learn from and whose personality traits we adopt. But, there are always a few people who become special to us; for one reason or another. For my wife Karen and me, one of those special persons was Jackson Arnold.
Most of you may not know who Jackson was; because he was not a drag racer or a crew member or a car owner. He was just a young man who loved drag racing; but Jackson was born with a number of medical problems including cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. Jackson could not do many of the things that you and I take for granted. He could not walk, talk or even enjoy a hot dog and fries; but what Jackson could do is melt your heart as soon as you met him.
I’m not exactly sure where we first saw the Arnold family; but it was at one of our East Coast Gasser events. Gary, Susan and Jackson were driving their golf cart around the track and they stopped by the club tent to introduce themselves. We immediately saw the bond that Jackson had with his mom and dad. Gary would hold him on his lap as they toured the pits looking at all of the cars. When the racing began, Gary would hold Jackson up and stand by the fence to watch our cars make their runs. After that initial meeting, we would always see the Arnold’s at least a couple of times a year, at our races.
During one race at Beaver Springs, when the track had a ride-a-long session; long time club member, Scott Hasko took Gary and Jackson for a quarter mile run in his Willys. Scott asked Gary if he should just baby the car; but Gary said, “No way”. Let’s see what your car can do; and Scott proceeded to give them the ride of their life.
To this day, Scott still remembers and treasures that experience. Scott also told me that during another race, he was in his car in the staging lanes; getting ready to make a pass and in that silent time when a driver waits for the signal to move toward the starting line; he looked over to the sidelines; and there was Gary; holding Jackson up against the fence; so he could watch the gassers pass by. Affectionately, Gary gave Mr. Jackson a kiss on his head and Scott said, “It was hard to hold back the tears”. There’s nothing like the love of a father for his son.
I’m telling everyone about Jackson; because the relationship that his mom and dad had with him was very special and not often seen in this day and age. For 29 years, Gary and Susan took care of this very special man and it was always a treat to sit and talk with them at the races. I hope that Gary will soon be able to bring his Nova gasser to the track and run with the club; and if you see Gary and Susan; please go over and say hello.
We will miss seeing “Mr. Jackson” at the track; but he made all of us, who met him; understand how blessed we really are. Scripture tells us, that believers who are absent from the body will be in the presence of the Lord.
Welcome home Jackson…God speed!!!
Thoughts for the Arnold family
“Godspeed Jackson. His Mom and Dad took good care of him and they loved him dearly. I’m sure they’re devastated.”
— Scott and Mary
“We wish the family well in this hard time and God speed for Jackson.”
— Gene Hillegass
“A very touching story!! We should always count our blessings and (kiss the kids). One never knows what the future holds. I count my blessings every day for all the riches in my life. When things go bad, and they do, I know that another day will be better and we will move on.”
— Bob & Katie
Our deepest condolences to the Arnold family
— The Pontlitz’s
“I remember them well, and even thought about them last week when thinking of our next trip to the Beaver. I was wondering if we would see them there. I always enjoyed talking with them and seeing their big waves as they drove past in the pits.
The love the parents showed for Jackson was unmeasurable. For people who do not have a special needs child, you wonder how the parents can handle the task. When you saw the Arnolds, you could see the answer. God speed Jackson.”
— Kevin Lynch
The East Coast Gassers would like to thank all who have donated to our Club in Jackson’s honor.
Greg Zytkowicz
Skip & Eileen Henschel
Stephen Wepprecht
& all anonymous donors